159. long; a very durable but clumsy … The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The flight itself is to a certain extent slow, They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. It is difficult not to be clumsy on these occasions. 3. Can he persuade it that the kindest way to describe its handling of matters so far is " 247.

Example from the Hansard archive. We do not need to add to the list a Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

As a side benefit, such a weighting system would eliminate the need for the Meany is a wannabe tough guy, often bullying his shyer, clumsier brothers. The sentence contains offensive content. Example from the Hansard archive. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. What we query is the wisdom of seeking to enforce those concepts by means of the Because it's conscious, it can sometimes be a little more Thanks!

If, nonetheless, there still recurs the brash tug of If that were so, the generation of new ideas would be a The first is that it is slightly Your feedback will be reviewed. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the One is building here an enormously Actually, the idea was appealing – in spite of his The red granite school of Assuan comes lower, the work being usually She might as well have been dropped out of the sky by a Jenn tucked her knife and gun away and replaced the necklace around her neck with The ends of the wooden legs were shod with plates of solid gold, and the saddle of the Princess Ozma, which was of red leather set with sparkling diamonds, was strapped to the He seized the door, making a final effort to hold it back--to lock it was no longer possible--but his efforts were weak and For a long time Pierre could not understand, but when he did, he jumped up from the sofa, seized Boris under the elbow in his quick, Walker, the superintendent of the census, who administered it, as "Is it actually that blue-eyed redheads have the same number of accidents as non-redheads, but brown-eyed redheads are even more No people would have abandoned cuneiform for such a And of the redheads themselves, are there factors among the In the South African war improvised detachable deflection scales of wood or iron placed over the fore-sight, called gun arcs, were used, but this device was Pullers appear to renounce pulling, refusers take to jumping and But following a custom which was by no means uncommon in the middle ages, a But more important than all this, perhaps, is the thoroughly practical tone which Guido assumes in his theoretical writings, and which differs greatly from the Two faults, however, marred the workfirst, the shapes were In the lecture-room he laid great stress on the importance of experimental demonstrations, paying particular attention to their selection and arrangement, though, since he himself was a somewhat The club has now disappeared, and the gates brought back to India by Lord Ellenborough are recognized to be a The autumnal subsidence of the river was followed by shallow ploughing performed by oxen yoked to Brit., from the German, appears preferable both to the unEnglish Kamerun and to the older and The Early Kings.The dynastic race wrought an entire transformation in the art of Egypt; in place of the His structures, such as the hut, fence, stockade, earthwork, &c., may be poor and His description of the different kinds of ploughs is interesting; and he justly recommends such as were drawn by two horses (some even by one horse) in preference to the weighty and The recumbent effigies and decorative details of these tombs are very beautiful, but the smaller figures of angels, saints and virtues are rather With all the Puritan eagerness to push a clear, uncompromising, Scripture-based distinction of right and wrong into the affairs of every-day life, he has a thoroughly English horror of casuistry, and his Far more lenient was Bonaparte's conduct towards a knot of discontented officers who, in April - May 1802, framed a we have two genuine Theocritean fragments, 11.7-13 and 15-20, describing the joys of summer and winter respectively, which have been provided with a With this comes the whole vast and ever-widening range of inventive and adaptive art, where the uniform hereditary instinct of the cell-forming bee and the nest-building bird is supplanted by multiform processes and constructions, often at first rude and Siegfried's whole character and career is, indeed, annihilated in the Hence to represent D, Greek has now to resort to the But progress was made difficult, in consequence of the The absence of good bark, dugout timber, and chisels of stone deprived the whole Mississippi valley of creditable water-craft, and reduced the natives to the We are not at liberty, therefore, in every case where the connexion in the Koran is obscure, to say that it is really broken, and set it down as the But on either side of this refusal are to be found elaborate projects of friendly societies and widows' funds, which practically cover, in a The language and dialogue of Melite are on the whole simple and natural, and though the construction is not very artful (the fifth act being, as is not unusual in Corneille, superfluous and The Ka`ba has been rebuilt more than once since Mahomet purged it of idols and adopted it as the chief sanctuary of Islam, but the old form has been preserved, except in secondary details;2 so that the "Ancient House," as it is titled, is still essentially a heathen temple, adapted to the worship of Islam by the how important improvements were to be effected in its construction, he was largely instrumental in converting it from a And wielding the right-hand bit around as a mouse just seems plain They might be called Neutral interpolations, but WH preferred the rather The spelling of Late Egyptian is very extraordinary, full of false etymologies, otiose signs, &c., the old orthography being quite unable to adapt itself neatly to the profoundly modified language; nevertheless, this These committees, while reducing the ministers to impotence, were themselves When bent on a dangerous expedition, the men will seek help from this forgerydocuments have been copied professionally for years; why, then, such Or you longed to be a brave heroine, but people laughed at you because you were a I desperately race around the classroom, arms flailing in In this area there is also a large splotch of black glaze -- a And the characters look and speak in a slightly stilted, stringers used on the rear fuselage look thick and takenuary 2004 - Changed the look of the entire site by taking away the wisdom of the Egyptians, he would have produced a rather Other terrestrial marsupials are the wombat (Phascolomys), a large, When at last they were driven to the Strait they would drift over on rafts or in Pytheas, a navigator of the Phocean colony of Massilia (Marseilles), determined the latitude of that port with considerable precision by the somewhat Nevertheless, despite Bonaparte's marvellous skill in rallying moderate men of all parties to his side, there remained an unconvinced and desperate minority, whose Other periodicals which appeared in the 18th century were Mailer's Mercurio (1738); the Diario noticioso (1758-1781); El Pensador (1762-1767) of Joseph Clavijo y Fajardo; El Belianis literario (1765), satirical in character; the Semanario erudito (1778-1791), a In the South African war improvised detachable deflection scales of wood or iron placed over the fore-sight, called gun arcs, were used, but this device was It was thus an effective compromise between the solar year and the lunar month, and contrasts very favorably with the intricate and In Islam proper they have no raison d'etre; the legends about Adam and Eve on Arafa, about Abraham's sacrifice of the ram at Thabii by Mina, imitated in the sacrifices of the pilgrimage, are Why should an all-powerful god pick such a crude and The sailors looked to me gross and slovenly men, and the shipping struck me as The balsa stringers used on the rear fuselage look thick and January 2004 - Changed the look of the entire site by taking away the If Moses had depended only upon the wisdom of the Egyptians, he would have produced a rather Gone is the bulky rectangle with thick, loud keys and While some people had no trouble using them, many people found them But sometimes, he smiles towards me, and he acts sort of His hands and feet may grow at a faster rate than the rest of his body, which may lead to a The Bullmastiff is a massive breed that, while very powerfully built, is not at all Children, especially young children, can be a little There are dozens of sites you can play sudoku for free, but many suffer from These may include the child having difficulty holding a pencil or drawing, throwing a ball, riding a bicycle, playing sports, having a hard time with clothes that have buttons or zippers, having poor handwriting, and being Many males with Klinefelter syndrome have poor upper body strength and can be Yet, they often have trouble with gross and fine motor skills and, as a result, they may be physically Miss the signal and you step on his foot and appear Herpes-Date (or "H-date") is another focused site that seems to try to provide a service to people with HSV (the Herpes Simplex Virus) but does so in a rather Why do retailers assume that women with wider feet only want to wear huge, She worked her way up to manager and along with the Sookie, her The wrist watch became popular during the 19th century when soldiers in combat recognized the inconvenience of having a bulky and Motor skills impairments are often among the symptoms of Aspergers, causing those affected by the disorder to appear Someone may be a beginner and encroach into "your" space, or perhaps someone was If you try to a cardio session (running, biking, aerobics tape etc) shortly after a big pasta meal, you'll be bloated and His sword defended him as if possessed, yet when he went to strike, he found his blows ill timed and His attempts at braiding her dark hair the way she liked it had ended up in a series of knots, because he didn't quite understand how to do it and his man-sized fingers were too In Babylonia, in place of the basrelief we have the figure in the round, the earliest examples being the statues from Tello which are realistic but somewhat Since about 1800 this industry had been confined to the north-west of Bohemia, and it survived just till 1900, when it was entirely abandoned - not because its product had become any less necessary, but, quite on the contrary, because the enormously increasing demand for fuming sulphuric acid, arising through the discovery of artificial alizarine and other coal-tar colours, could not possibly be supplied by the Actually, the idea was appealing - in spite of his As they neared a pentagon-shaped building, Brady took in the The ECB does not help itself by its often somewhat Using sets The techniques used to grow the arrays in the code shown above are rather To make matters worse, it's all dealt with in an extremely That said, the film's simplistic narrative, and sometimes Even at the level of letter identification, the layer model become When they don't we tend to go round their house and get Planning and control could be called'managing the operation on a day-to-day basis' except that it sounds too The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

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