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Applied Surface Science Advances is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal. Journal hardcopy purchase is not mandatory.
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By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our Along with the PDF copy of the journal, authors may order separately Journal hardcopy. Science Signaling publishes articles containing original research that report major advances in the understanding of cellular, physiological, or pathophysiological regulation in model organisms and man. All articles published by Electrochemical Science Advances are fully open access: freely available to read, download and share upon publication.. To cover the cost of publishing, Electrochemical Science Advances
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yes Fee per manuscript $4500 Kind of complaint procedure Editor Two-year impact factor 11.51. First review round: 6.0 weeks.
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Subjects: All branches of nutritional science, food science and vitaminology.
Outcome: Accepted. AIP Advances is a gold open access multidisciplinary journal that features original research in experimental, theoretical and applied physical science.
Open access publication fee.
By Jeffrey Brainard Sep. 10, 2019 , 5:15 PM.
Publication charge . AIP Advances is an open access journal publishing in all areas of physical sciences—applied, theoretical, and experimental. We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly and safely as possible.
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