It's also their responsibility to manage it.

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It costs a lot of money, but that’s what it costs.”Salaries at VPD grew $105 million in 10 years of hiring freeze Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited.This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic.

Read more about This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.Salaries at VPD grew $105 million in 10 years of hiring freezeSalaries at VPD grew $105 million in 10 years of hiring freezeDespite a hiring freeze, staffing costs at the Vancouver Police Department have grown steadily in the last 10 years, driven by pay hikes and overtime, even as service calls grow increasingly complex, requiring more time and resources.Salaries at VPD grew $105 million in 10 years of hiring freezeVancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer acknowledged that the department’s increasing salary costs are largely driven by arbitrated wage increases keeping pace with other police departments across Canada.According to Palmer, VPD wages are “on par” with other municipal police in Canada.“Policing is expensive,” he said. I considered going RCMP in 2010 and the base salary for an officer was 72K. Went back to same company after finishing 3rd year and got hourly 21/hr.

First coop term after finishing 2nd year I got salary based on 19/hr. To the credit of the city, they asked for a proposal on how to reduce spending from VPD as they did for VFD. A senior dev in Vancouver making $150k was unheard of 5 years ago, now it's slightly above average. “It doesn’t come cheap, I acknowledge that. No debt besides the mortgage on the rental condo and no children. And that means that you have to do microscopic examinations of (crime) scenes.”The investigation of a murder scene that used to take a day or two now can take up to a week, he said.Sign up to receive daily headline news from the Vancouver Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.There was an error, please provide a valid email address.A welcome email is on its way. "Don't tear other workers down. Fortune favors the bold, or something like thatThat is roughly 110-140k per year. Trust me, you don't want to have a missing rifle. “Now you can do absolutely microscopic examinations of DNA samples. Might be a touch high but that's partly because it's 2 people's jobs.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts If you don't see it please check your junk folder.The next issue of Vancouver Sun Headline News will soon be in your inbox.We encountered an issue signing you up.

Have a look at the job description and the required experience and education, you'll see why it's well compensated.I feel like if this wasn't a VPD job you'd care less. The funny part is that people outside the tech industry vilify Microsoft, Amazon, and SAP for being huge behemoths that are recruiting foreign labor, when in reality they're the ones driving salaries higher and higher. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. Not saying I agree this is a fair wage but that is what it is. Edit: I … So track it, distribute it, account for anything missing. I considered going RCMP in 2010 and the base salary for an officer was 72K. VPD is still recovering from the budget cuts in 2009 (VPD is only staffed to 2009 authorized strength as is). If anything, the salary is probably on the low range for what they are looking for.Do you expect people to take a paycut because it's the police?It's not like the person hired is doing data entry.
I also have a pension at work that will pay me 3% of my salary per year that I work that I can start drawing from at the age of 50.

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