But let’s take a look at why another option for medical attention can be a good idea. 0000191043 00000 n
Need to mail us a form? Facility updates should be submitted on this Institutional Change Form. 0000006152 00000 n Find care near you from an in-network Anthem provider. health is in danger, you should go to the emergency room. In Maine: Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. Please update your browser if the service fails to run our website. burning with urination, shots, eye pain or irritation Urgent Care is accessible in many communities at all hours of the day and night. In Nevada: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc., dba HMO Nevada. over 4 hours.Always call 911 or go the ER if you think you are having a real emergency or if you think you could put your health at serious risk by delaying care. Combined Medicare and Medicaid coverage for eligible adults over age 21 in 0000000016 00000 n Anthem Reports Second Quarter Results, Reaffirms Commitment to Stakeholders During COVID-19 Pandemic : Anthem, Inc. All appointment times are guaranteed by our Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Therapists/Counselors & Providers. 569 0 obj <> endobj Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name for Blue Cross of California. 0000009645 00000 n 0000207478 00000 n We believe health plans shouldn’t be hard to figure out. In Georgia: Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc.and Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. (AICI).
0000007618 00000 n Visit the Anthem.com official site to access contact information to point you to the appropriate area. 0000083213 00000 n Serving Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area), Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia (excluding the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C.), and Wisconsin.The resources for our providers may differ between states. CareMore has over 22 Care Centers in California. 0000019517 00000 n
Enter your zip code to view and compare our plans or try our Help Me Find a Plan tool to get customized plan recommendations.Open Enrollment is from October 15th to December 7th.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado: Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. 0000015526 00000 n irritation Your doctor’s office is a great place for scheduled care and check-ups, and you should try them first during office hours in a non-life-threatening emergency.Mild asthma, rash, minor burns, minor fever or cold, nausea, diarrhea, back pain, minor headache, ear or sinus pain, cough, sore throat, bumps, cuts, scrapes, minor allergic reactions, Doctors and nurses can help with non-life-threatening but urgently-needed care quickly.Sprains and strains, nausea or diarrhea, ear or sinus pain, minor allergic reactions, animal bites, back pain, cough, sore throat, mild asthma, burning with urination, rash, 0000052438 00000 n In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123. 0000005371 00000 n 0000015251 00000 n 0000007750 00000 n At Anthem, we value you as a provider in our network. Make an appointment online instantly with Therapists/Counselors that accept Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. Sydney Care is offered through an arrangement with CareMarket, Inc. Sydney Health and Sydney Care are service marks of CareMarket Inc., © 2020.© 2005 - 2020 copyright of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
0000004512 00000 n 0000001960 00000 n Make monthly payments, manage claims and view benefits all from your online account. 0000133847 00000 n Medi-Cal: 1-800-407-4627 (TTY 711) MRMIP: 1-877-687-0549 (TTY 711) Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. xref Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 0000005903 00000 n We offer a wide range of generic and brand name drugs, home delivery and more. It's free! Leads Collaboration to Develop Tools to Help Public Officials and Businesses Make Informed Decisions Related to COVID-19: Anthem and the Anthem Foundation Stand in Solidarity with Communities Across the Country Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP offers three plans so you can choose the one that’s right for you and your family. You can also pay your first month's bill and get new coverage started.Choose from quality doctors and hospitals that are part of your plan with our Find Care tool. Policies, Guidelines & Manuals We’re committed to supporting you in providing quality care and services to the members in our network. 0000001620 00000 n 0000014057 00000 n Choose your state below so that we can provide you with the most relevant information. Check if your prescription is covered. trailer 0000154006 00000 n 0000015934 00000 n Contact will be made by an insurance agent or insurance company.Your browser is not supported. If you’re turning 65 soon, check out our You’ll find flexible health, dental and vision insurance options for you and your family with Anthem.Anthem has invested the time and resources necessary to fully understand and serve millions of members in state-sponsored programs across the country.Low-cost coverage for children, adults and families in Review Policies. We look forward to working with you to provide quality service for our members.Sydney Care is offered through an arrangement with CareMarket, Inc. Sydney Health and Sydney Care are service marks of CareMarket Inc., © 2020.© 2005 - 2020 copyright of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. 0000002825 00000 n Anthem Blue Cross Cal MediConnect Plan (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and Medi-Cal to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees.
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